Labour's Far-Right Won't Fly Again?

Labour's Far-Right Won't Fly Again?

Since the the disastrous election result of 12th December what can Labour do to stop the far-right not only in the government but also in its own party get even stronger?

The appalling behaviour of some Labour MP’s on the right of the party leading up both elections in 2017 and 2019 demonstrated their allegiance not to the communities which they represented but to their own and to a certain extent a Westminster view of power and influence to which they had grown accustomed. They really don’t care about their electorate, that voted them into parliament nor those who selflessly gave up their time to campaign on their behalf. No, these individuals are what is so damning about our mistrust in politics and politicians for every good one there are several mediocre or just plain bad ones slurping up the power, influence and expenses they richly do not deserve.

We are now in the post election period for a new leader of the Labour Party and several people have thrown their hat into the ring. Some have a chance and some well, let’s just say “hell would have to freeze over before I voted for them!” I still wouldn’t vote for them.

Six years ago Keir Starmer was saying this:

Jess Phillips on the other hand had this to say on Marr:

Incoherent, that is all you can say about this on Marr from Jess Phillips.

So, these are supposedly the candidates from the right of the party that have a chance of winning say the press. That’s code for we would really like these two as they are not a threat to the way we do things. Everyone who stands for leadership will have some baggage, something they said in their youth, something they said last week. But both Philips and Starmer really do not have the kind of authority needed to be leader. We need a different kind of leader now, one with fire in their belly who will be on the offensive to the tories and their tame media. Starmer is a backroom person, intelligent but shows no real leadership potential. Phillips on the other hand doesn’t seem able to put together a coherent sentence never mind anything on policy. Both are wedded to Remain and will not be taken seriously in the areas that voted to leave. If either of them wins the leadership Labour won’t win the next election.

I will discuss the other candidates in a future post in a few days to give time for things to become more clear.

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